Pivot Masterclass

Welcome to the Pivot Masterclass. This revolutionary course will explain one of the most sought out, yet complex, subject in regards to the swinging arts: pivots. This course is applicable for all types of clubs and maces.

About the Pivot Masterclass.

The Pivot Masterclass is designed to teach you the most intricate details of pivots. Through twenty elaborate and educational videos you will be gradually exposed to more and more complex pivots. Just like any Dutch Flow Academy course we will break it down in bits that are as small as possible. This means everybody can start this program. The amount of swings that you’ll have to be able to understand are limited to three, the two-handed Front 360Back 360, and Back 300. This means the level of entry is low and with enough practice it is possible to understand the most complex pivots that you can do with a steel mace, macebell, gada, clubbell or mugdar. In this course you will be guided by Harbert, the creator of this program, with one of the Dutch Flow Academy mace instructors Santiago as his student. In this way you’ll have two examples during this course and different angles from which you can see what’s happening. The Pivot Masterclass breaks down the possibilities of the pivots in four major sections: Pendulum PivotsClock Pivots, Center Pivots, and 360 Pivots. The underlying structure will be supported by both the Front 360, and the Back 360. Both of these swings will be connected together in the Figure Eight and we will also discuss this in the course and connect it with the different pivots. You will learn 90 degree pivots, 180 degree pivots, and 360 degree pivotsBasically, you will learn pivots in a revolutionary way with methods, techniques and actual pivots that have never been showcased before in the history of maces and clubs.


Swinging a mace goes much further than just certain muscular activations. The fact that you’re reading this and been captivated by the idea of pursuing mastery of pivots means you know that already. This course serves one purpose only, to make you a master of pivots. Pivots allow you to upgrade your practice with more creativity and understanding of the swinging techniques. You’ll find pivots everywhere in sports and martial arts; they are a fundamental way of moving your body. Pivots will increase your level of Spatial Awareness and proprioception. Turning the body just got a completely new level when there’s weights, torque and momentum involved. Learn to stand your ground, and become a master of pivots.


This masterclass wouldn’t be a masterclass if it wouldn’t discuss complex movements. However, we tried to make it as easy to understand as possible by breaking the complexity up into the smallest bits possible. Furthermore, the complexity of the actual swings are as low as possible making it possible to start this course only with the knowledge of the Front 360, and the Back 360. Both of these movements are broken down in our introductory course Mace Flow 101

The Pivot Masterclass will challenge you, whether you’re a beginner or an advanced practitioner. It will do this in the same way as any new skill will do that to you. We are convinced that with the proper amount of dedication and energy given to this course, you will be able to become a master of pivots.


The course has 20 separate course videos all including new movements. The estimated length is four weeks, but most people will take longer than this to actually master the skills presented here. It is also not necessary to complete the course immediately, the skills given in the first videos will already be of benefit in your practice and you can move on from that slowly. Integration is and remains key in any new endeavour. 


What you’ll need is internet to access the course through this website and a tool to practice the videos. In the videos we use the Dutch Flow Mace, but any steel mace, macebell or Gada that you can do a Front 360 with will do the job. Also if you have a wooden or metal club, clubbell, mugdar, or bulava you can use that with this course. All of those tools can be applied to the Pivot Masterclass.

Still, doubting if this course is the one for you? You can read through the other courses or contact us at info@dutchflowacademy.com. Also, follow us on Instagram for regular updates.

Course Information

Estimated Time: 4 weeks

Difficulty: Intermediate

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Course Information

Estimated Time: 4 weeks

Difficulty: Intermediate