7 Day 360 Masterclass

Welcome to the 7 Day 360 Masterclass. This series is designed to be your jumping start in the world of the mace. The 360 is one of the most unique and iconic exercise of the mace and it needs be in your skillset when you have a mace.

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Macebell 360

Perfect your Technique

Learning how to swing properly can takes years. Not with Dutch Flow Academy. With accurate cues and elaborate recordings you will understand every aspect of the 360 Swing.

Ground Yourself

Learn how to ground yourself properly. Let your core, legs, and feet work in sync while absorbing the weight of the mace. This is not just arms and shoulders!

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Strong Arms and Shoulders

One of the best ways to train your grip strength is to hold onto something. Well, you're always holding on the mace while swinging it. Furthermore, swinging a mace strengthens all the muscles in your arms and shoulders.

Posture & Mobility

Many people have healed their shoulders with the 360 swing. Its unique position with both arms stretched behind the head creates length in the lat muscles and opens up the shoulders. This swing trains all the stabilising muscles in the shoulders and encourages proper posture.

Course Information


The 360 swing simulates a throwing movement that requires all the muscles in your upper body and core to activate. It has been the shoulder cure for a lot of people and it will give you bulletproof shoulders when practiced regularly. This is the best 360 course in the world, so do not hesitate. The 360, however, does not prove to be an easy exercise to learn. It requires swinging a weighted metal stick behind your back. This Masterclass is a revolutionary approach to get you to master the 360 in small bits. Every day will teach you a new aspect of the swing and allows you to progress every day towards mastery.

free mace course
360 mace masterclass


As a basic introductory course, this is stated to be a beginner course. However, do take into consideration that the 360 is not the easiest swing to learn. That’s why we break down the Front 360 in Mace Flow 101 to introduce you to momentum. We have broken the swing down into multiple parts and everyone should be able to approach this swing through this course. During this course we will make use of content from other courses that all talk about the 360. This will give you broad and unique perspective of the 360 swing. Important detail is that the weight of the mace should be low. This course is also great for more advanced practitioners as we go deep into the material of what a 360 consists of.


What is required for this course is a mace. You’ll need a mace or a club, clubbell or mugdar of around 4 to 5kg or 10lbs. This is a requirement for safety as the weight should not be underestimated. 6kg is a lot of weight for a beginner, so don’t start off too heavy. Furthermore you’ll need access to internet to gain access to the videos.

Are you ready to master the 360? Join now!

Still, doubting if this course is the one for you? You can read through the other courses or contact us at info@dutchflowacademy.com.

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Harbert Harte Egberts

Harbert Egberts


Master the 360 and Gain Life Time Access Now!


€49.99 €.00.VAT taxes are added for EU countries.

Why you should swing a mace

In this video I explain why you should swing a mace. Expect to be challenged mentally and physically. The mace will humble everyone with the immense weight distribution. The unique rotating movement behind the back will help posture and mobility in the upper body. The practice will build strength and conditioning in the whole body teaching you how to properly ground your body. Furthermore the practice will also be beneficial for your mind, as the endless skill progression allows your coordination to keep evolving.

What Our Clients Say

Reviews (Client Testimonial)

Niklas Haapalo
Niklas Haapalo
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I was skeptic… I was not to sure about an online training program. Especially with something as "exotic" as a mace with its many possibilities and for me new movements. But now, after completing the full program, Harbert put my skepticism to shame and instead a smile on my face. In a easy to follow and no nonsense way you are being taking through clear instructions, logical progressions and ending with really funny flows. Continuing to get harder every week both physically and technically, but always in a meaningful way. I want more! Thank you!
Michael Holt
Michael Holt
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I am a martial artist, and I find the mace develops striking power as it helps the practitioner find and embody the critical balance between tension and relaxation. I also teach meditation, and I find Harbert's sequences to be gateways into peak meditative states. Breath, body, mind, spirit, heart - flow. All connected. This course is powerful! For years I was just "figuring out" the mace by playing with it and letting it teach me. But I knew if I really wanted to understand the implement, I should take a course with a master. I am very happy I pulled the trigger on this purchase. I love swinging with the Dutchman and you will too!
Rodrigo Nakasone
Rodrigo Nakasone
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Coach Harbert is an expert in making what's hard, simple. Many of the exercises that I thought I knew were put under a different lens by thinking about them in terms of landmarks, directions and positions. It really helps tremendously to help your own exploration practice. If steel mace flowing is what you are after, you are definitely in the right place. This is by far the best source for steel mace exercises I have seen in my life.
Philip Richardson
Philip Richardson
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I have tried almost every steel mace program I could find. I would say all of them have been good but this one is head and shoulders above them all. Every workout is completely different and the complexity clearly increases with each workout. The weekly schedule makes so much sense. By the time you get to the flow workouts you are ready to go. It is extremely satisfying that my form and my FLOW improve round by round. The program is educational as well as fun and runs as a sort of workshop/workout program. The coaching is great and the instructor clearly has an incredible passion and knowledge for the mace. He communicates this passion and knowledge really well. I would definitely recommend this program.

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